(1) interesting
(2) to learn
(3) more and more
(4) drawing, painting
(5) swimming
(6) sport, exercise
(7) surf the internet
(8) climb mountain
(9) happy, glad
(10) play piano
(11) story book
(12) hobby
(13) to write
(14) internet
(15) because
(16) not bad, pretty good
(17) sound, voice
(18) can, be able to
(19) very, quite
(20) hot
(21) feel, think
(22) to like
(23) good to listen to
(24) new
(25) with
2016年1月30日 星期六
B: 把[bǎ] 班[bān] 包[bāo] 杯[bēi] 本[běn] 筆[bǐ] 部[bù]
C: 餐[cān] 場[chǎng] 串[chuàn] 次[cì ]
D: 袋[dài] 道[dào] 滴[dī] 点[diǎn] 碟[dié] 頂[dǐng] 棟[dòng] 堆[duī] 對[duì] 朵[duǒ] 堵[dǔ] 頓[dùn]
F: 份[fèn] 發[fā] 封[fēng] 付[fù] 副[fù] 幅[fú]
G: 個[gè] 根[gēn] 股[gǔ]
H: 行[háng] 盒[hé] 壺[hú] 戶[hù] 回[huí]
J: 家[jiā] 架[jià] 間[jiān] 件[jiàn] 節[jié] 劑[jì] 具[jù] 捲[juǎn] 卷[juàn]
K: 塊[kuài] 棵[kē] 顆[kē] 口[kǒu] 捆[kǔn]
L: 類[lèi] 粒[lì] 輛[liàng] 列[liè] 輪[lún]
M: 枚[méi] 面[miàn] 門[mén]
P: 排[pái] 盤[pán] 盆[pén] 匹[pī] 片[piān] 篇[piān] 撇[piě] 瓶[píng]
Q: 群[qún]
S: 艘[sāo] 扇[shān] 首[shǒu] 雙[shuāng] 所[suǒ] 束[shù]
T: 條[tiáo] 頭[tóu] 通[tōng] 堂[táng] 台[tái] 套[tào] 桶[tǒng] 筒[tǒng]
W: 位[wèi] 味[wèi] 碗[wǎn] 窩[wō]
X: 席[xí] 些[xiē]
Y: 页[yè]
Z: 隻[zhī] 支[zhī] 指[zhǐ] 只[zhī] 枝[zhī] 株[zhū] 盞[zhǎn] 座[zuò] 陣[zhèn] 張[zhāng] 樁[zhuāng] 尊[zūn] 則[zé] 種[zhǒng] 站[zhàn]
C: 餐[cān] 場[chǎng] 串[chuàn] 次[cì ]
D: 袋[dài] 道[dào] 滴[dī] 点[diǎn] 碟[dié] 頂[dǐng] 棟[dòng] 堆[duī] 對[duì] 朵[duǒ] 堵[dǔ] 頓[dùn]
F: 份[fèn] 發[fā] 封[fēng] 付[fù] 副[fù] 幅[fú]
G: 個[gè] 根[gēn] 股[gǔ]
H: 行[háng] 盒[hé] 壺[hú] 戶[hù] 回[huí]
J: 家[jiā] 架[jià] 間[jiān] 件[jiàn] 節[jié] 劑[jì] 具[jù] 捲[juǎn] 卷[juàn]
K: 塊[kuài] 棵[kē] 顆[kē] 口[kǒu] 捆[kǔn]
L: 類[lèi] 粒[lì] 輛[liàng] 列[liè] 輪[lún]
M: 枚[méi] 面[miàn] 門[mén]
P: 排[pái] 盤[pán] 盆[pén] 匹[pī] 片[piān] 篇[piān] 撇[piě] 瓶[píng]
Q: 群[qún]
S: 艘[sāo] 扇[shān] 首[shǒu] 雙[shuāng] 所[suǒ] 束[shù]
T: 條[tiáo] 頭[tóu] 通[tōng] 堂[táng] 台[tái] 套[tào] 桶[tǒng] 筒[tǒng]
W: 位[wèi] 味[wèi] 碗[wǎn] 窩[wō]
X: 席[xí] 些[xiē]
Y: 页[yè]
Z: 隻[zhī] 支[zhī] 指[zhǐ] 只[zhī] 枝[zhī] 株[zhū] 盞[zhǎn] 座[zuò] 陣[zhèn] 張[zhāng] 樁[zhuāng] 尊[zūn] 則[zé] 種[zhǒng] 站[zhàn]
English Count Word
1) 三塊巧克力
2) 兩盒牛奶
3) 很多塊地
4) 幾桶水
5) 五片蛋糕
6) 一條土司
7) 四罐果醬
8) 一把剪刀
9) 一副撲克牌
10) 數塊肥皂
11) 兩打鉛筆
12) 一件家具
13) 很多杯果汁
14) 一副眼鏡
15) 一串香蕉
16) 幾粒米
17) 七條牙膏
18) 一滴血
19) 一包香菸
20) 四罐可樂
2) 兩盒牛奶
3) 很多塊地
4) 幾桶水
5) 五片蛋糕
6) 一條土司
7) 四罐果醬
8) 一把剪刀
9) 一副撲克牌
10) 數塊肥皂
11) 兩打鉛筆
12) 一件家具
13) 很多杯果汁
14) 一副眼鏡
15) 一串香蕉
16) 幾粒米
17) 七條牙膏
18) 一滴血
19) 一包香菸
20) 四罐可樂
2016年1月28日 星期四
2016年1月22日 星期五
Mo 160123 拼音 國字 測驗
1) cold
2) ice cream
3) candy
4) hot
5) book
6) hungry
7) tongue
8~15 Write character
8) room
9) summer
10) autumn
11) winter
12) family
13) season
14) not delicious
15) no need
生病了 詞語 英翻中
Say them in Chinese
how is it?
take medicine
running nose
to measure
common cold
body temperature
2016年1月19日 星期二
New Friend
I Have A New Friend
I have
many friends. My best friend is a junior high school student in the same school
with me. We knew about our everything. We met in a elementary school eight
years ago. We played, studied and chatted together. We are very close. But I had a new friend last month. We
started to know about ourselves. And we talked everything. Like: online games,
families and many things.
Mo 拼音 國字 測驗
1~7 Write pinyin only
1) eyebrow
2) ice cream
3) candy
4) rabbit
5) shoes
6) foot
7) tongue
8~15 Write character
8) spring
9) summer
10) autumn
11) winter
12) weather
13) my friend
14) not delicious
15) season
1) eyebrow
2) ice cream
3) candy
4) rabbit
5) shoes
6) foot
7) tongue
8~15 Write character
8) spring
9) summer
10) autumn
11) winter
12) weather
13) my friend
14) not delicious
15) season
Doing chores
Write an essay
about doing chores at home.
Below are some
ideas about this topic.
Answer them as separate
sentences first.
Then combine them
into an essay.
300 words or
You have 2 weeks
to complete it.
Your title : Doing Chores At Home
Underline is your
first sentence.
1) Most of the
children think it is mother’s job to do chores.
What do you think?
2) What kind of
chores do you usually do?
How often do you do them?
3) What do your
parents think about children doing chores?
4) Do you get any
allowance if you do chores?
5) How much money
can you get for doing chores?
6) Who in your
family does the most chores?
Is this person happy about it?
2016年1月14日 星期四
Ri test 2--160115
New Year
blue=pinyin and tone
1) lunar calendar
2) spring festival
3) tradition
4) market
5) to wear (clothes)
6) take it seriously, value
7) according to (zhao4)
8) red paper
9) enter (jin4 ru4)
10) begin, start
11) prepare
12) house
13) to welcome, to greet (ying2 jie1)
14) to sleep
15) have a holiday (fang4 jia4)
blue=pinyin and tone
1) lunar calendar
2) spring festival
3) tradition
4) market
5) to wear (clothes)
6) take it seriously, value
7) according to (zhao4)
8) red paper
9) enter (jin4 ru4)
10) begin, start
11) prepare
12) house
13) to welcome, to greet (ying2 jie1)
14) to sleep
15) have a holiday (fang4 jia4)
Ri test 1--160115
1) influence
2) change
3) fatique
4) should
5) habit, be used to
6) pass the time
7) getting more and more
8) inconvenient
9) advantage
10) communication
11) to plan (make a plan)
12) even more
13) summer vacation
14) body, helth
15) not anymore
2) change
3) fatique
4) should
5) habit, be used to
6) pass the time
7) getting more and more
8) inconvenient
9) advantage
10) communication
11) to plan (make a plan)
12) even more
13) summer vacation
14) body, helth
15) not anymore
2016年1月10日 星期日
test pinyin and character
1) ~ 7) write pinyin only
1) ear
2) teeth
3) face
4) mouth
5) eye
6) hair
7) nose
8) ~ 14) write character
8) use
9) yesterday
10) delicious
11) go
12) together
13) left right (zuo3 you4)
14) at, in
1) ear
2) teeth
3) face
4) mouth
5) eye
6) hair
7) nose
8) ~ 14) write character
8) use
9) yesterday
10) delicious
11) go
12) together
13) left right (zuo3 you4)
14) at, in